Artist Nikita Budkov
Nikita Budkov is a Russian born figurative painter who studied at the Los Angeles Academy of Figurative Art. Budkov earned a place as a Finalist in the 3rd Edition of the Boynes Emerging Artist Award.
What inspired you to start creating art?
The masterpieces of the Old Masters, music I love, dreams.
What inspires your work now?
In addition to the above also memories of my upbringing.
What mediums do you work in and experiment with?
I mainly use Oil and graphite in my works. Rarely watercolor and digital.
Are there any particular brands of art supplies you prefer using? Why?
I love using Georgian oil paints because of their value and size, and Trekell brushes because of their quality and being local to where I live now.
Do you have any particular ways that you work through a creative block?
My way is to stay focused on the set goal, and to step away from the artwork once in awhile (while keep being focused).
How do you process/come to terms with and even use other people's opinion of your work?
It's important to listen to people whose opinion you trust, and average people and potential collectors. I don't have to do everything I've been told, but to listen is the least I can do.
Is there an artist/s who inspires you creatively?
If we are talking about contemporary artists on Instagram it's many of my friends and masters I follow, if we mean history, then it's 19th century artists like Pre-Raphaelites, Russian artists, the antique.
To view more of Nikita Budkov’s work