Artist Nikita Budkov
Nikita Budkov is a Russian born figurative painter who studied at the Los Angeles Academy of Figurative Art. Budkov earned a place as a Finalist in the 3rd Edition of the Boynes Emerging Artist Award.
“Tuesday’s Gone” (Finalist Work)
By Nikita Budkov
What inspired you to start creating art?
The masterpieces of the Old Masters, music I love, dreams.
“East of the Sun”
By Nikita Budkov
What inspires your work now?
In addition to the above also memories of my upbringing.
“Don’t Break The Oath (Self-Portrait)”
By Nikita Budkov
What mediums do you work in and experiment with?
I mainly use Oil and graphite in my works. Rarely watercolor and digital.
“Mean Machine, Portrait of a Strongman Victor Blud”
By Nikita Budkov
Are there any particular brands of art supplies you prefer using? Why?
I love using Georgian oil paints because of their value and size, and Trekell brushes because of their quality and being local to where I live now.
“Where Eagles Dare, Portrait of Goga”
By Nikita Budkov
Do you have any particular ways that you work through a creative block?
My way is to stay focused on the set goal, and to step away from the artwork once in awhile (while keep being focused).
“Born to Lose, Live to Win”
By Nikita Budkov
How do you process/come to terms with and even use other people's opinion of your work?
It's important to listen to people whose opinion you trust, and average people and potential collectors. I don't have to do everything I've been told, but to listen is the least I can do.
“John Dee, Victim of Fate”
By Nikita Budkov
Is there an artist/s who inspires you creatively?
If we are talking about contemporary artists on Instagram it's many of my friends and masters I follow, if we mean history, then it's 19th century artists like Pre-Raphaelites, Russian artists, the antique.
To view more of Nikita Budkov’s work