2nd Edition
The boynes emerging artist award continued to receive incredibly skilled work and we were honoured to have been able to increase our prize pool to $10,000 usd for our artists. below are the winners and finalists of the 2nd edition.
Meet the winners
1st Place WinnerJesse Lane won $1000 USD cash, a Published Interview and Marketing
2nd Place Winner
江峰 Jiang Feng won $500 USD cash, a Published Interview and Marketing.
Photo by Jessy Tsai
3rd Place WinnerNathan Cole won $100 USD cash, a Published Interview and Marketing
Jesse Lane (1st Place Winner) Undercurrents Coloured Pencil
江峰 Jiang Feng (2nd Place Winner)U.S. (Unwholesome Shelter) 「美」國 Photography
Nathan Cole (3rd Place Winner) The Tiger Swims At Night Quill on Scratchboard
Ira Upin (Finalist) Doll House Oil on Panel
Kevin Nichols (Finalist) What's So Funny? Pencil on Bristol
Ivan Milenkovic (Finalist) Smartphone Light 15 Oil on Linen
Angela Ales (Finalist) Monologue 1 Mixed Media
Maureen Denny (Finalist) Sunflower Surrealism Photography
Gabrielle Banks (Finalist) Love Knot Oil on Canvas
TUĞBA ÖZDEMİR (Finalist) Untitled Painting
Paul King (Finalist) Tom Petty Mad Hatter 1985 Caricature Digital Airbrush and Watercolour
Lexi Laine (Finalist) Escondidas Photography
Asiah Thomas-Mandlman. (Finalist) Cover Your Mouth Charcoal
J Henry. (Finalist) Wallflower 1 Oil on Masonite
Heidi Neumann (Finalist) Modern Geisha Acrylic on Canvas
Lisa Hewett (Finalist) African Heat Acrylic

HakChul Kim (Finalist) Untitled
Benji Palus (Finalist) Wine After Whiskey Oil on Canvas

Mahesh Soundatte (Finalist) Untitled Oil on Canvas
Skye Rudin (Finalist) Sewing The Spark (So Sown) Oil on Canvas
Ariana Vaeth (Finalist) Dye Party Oil on Canvas
Lucas León (Finalist) What Are We? Mixed Media
Ryan Jae (Finalist) Vigilance Photography