11th Edition prizes

1st Place:

  • $1000 USD cash

  • *Coverage of residency fees for residencies in the BAA Residency Network

  • *Travel expenses to residency covered

  • *Residency Stipend provided

  • Access to the Residency Network

  • Showcase of winning work on the homepage

  • A published interview with the Boynes Artist Award

  • Mailing list newsletter feature

  • Winner’s certificate

2nd Place:

  • $500 USD cash

  • Access to the Residency Network

  • Showcase of winning work on the homepage

  • A published interview with the Boynes Artist Award

  • Mailing list newsletter feature

  • Winner’s certificate

3rd Place:

  • $250 USD cash

  • Access to the Residency Network

  • Showcase of winning work on the homepage

  • A published interview with the Boynes Artist Award

  • Mailing list newsletter feature

  • Winner’s certificate

10 Finalists:

  • Published interview

  • Access to the Residency Network

  • Showcase of work on the homepage

  • Finalist certificate

Entry Fee : $40 USD for 3 works / $10 USD for each additional work

Early Bird Fee : $30 USD for 3 works / $7 USD for each additional work

“Flowers In Jar No. 4”, Oil on Linen by Stephen Johnston


Application Requirements :

  • Name

  • Email

  • Artist Bio (Max 500 words)

  • Artwork (1-10 works)

  • Artwork Descriptions

Optional :

  • Artist Website

  • Artist Social Media Handles

  • Artist CV

Theme : Open

Artist must :

  • be over 18 years old

  • have been actively engaged in the art industry.

  • can demonstrate a consistent practice through portfolio, group/solo exhibitions, etc.

Artwork :

  • is the original work of the submitting artist

  • was created in the last five (5) years.

  • is a Painting, Drawing, Photography, Mixed Media, Digital or Sculpture

Artwork is judged on technique, composition, impact & originality.



Should the 1st Place winner decide to attend a residency within the BAA Residency Network, the residency fees for their stay will be covered (up to $500 USD). Travel Expenses to the residency are also covered for the winner up to $500 USD. A residency stipend of $250 USD is also given for a stay of over 30 days at a physical residency. All described costs covered apply to only the residencies partnered with the Boynes Artist Award through the Residency Network.


All Cash prizes will be sent to the winner via either PayPal or bank transfer within seven (7) business days of notification of awarded place and confirmation of payment preference.

The prizes are non transferable. Any and all prize-related expenses, including without limitation any and all federal, state, and/or local taxes, shall be the sole responsibility of the Winner. No substitution of prize or transfer/assignment of prize to others or request for the cash equivalent by Winner is permitted. Acceptance of prize constitutes permission for the Boynes Artist Award to use Winner’s name, likeness, and entry for purposes of advertising and promotion without further compensation, unless prohibited by law.

Prize refusal

If a chosen (Winner/Finalist) artist does not want their artwork shown or promoted for any reason an email with the subject line “Artwork Removal” must be sent to info@boynesartistaward.com within 48 hours of winner notification. With this, the artist will become not eligible for any prize from the Boynes Artist Award and its partners.


The submitting artist must have full rights to the submitted work and be the original artist. If the work is found to not be original The Boynes Artist Award, nor its partners, founder or affiliates bear responsibility or liability for copyright infringement. The work/s in question will also be disqualified and immediately removed from our websites.

Upon submission to the Boynes Artist Award, the artist will retain full copyrights to their work as well as 100% of any sale made as a result of promotion and marketing of the works through the Boynes Artist Award .


The entry fee is non-refundable and not inclusive of any tax applied by your own country or GST in Australia.


Entering this award gives us permission to use your image to promote and market you and your work through the Boynes Artist Award and it’s Partners, where you will be credited, on our website, email newsletter and social media. Any questions, concerns or requests to remove in relation to use of artwork can be directed to info@boynesartistaward.com with the email subject line being “Artwork Image Use Query”.

Past winners and finalists of Editions one (1) to eight (8) are eligible to apply to the Boynes Artist Award from the 9th Edition onward.


The selection of works by the jurors is final and the decision cannot be appealed on any grounds.


Winners and finalists agree to give permission for the use of their artwork for promotion and marketing through the Boynes Artist Award and it’s Partners, with credit to the artist.


Our Articles is a way to further promote all artists, found either through the competition or organically. Being written up in our blog/articles has no affect on your standing in our award nor does it say anything about your chance to win our award. The blog is simply an additional space to further promote and explore all of the talent that we find. Being written up in our Blog also does not prevent you (submitting artist) from ever submitting work to the Boynes Artist Award.


The Boynes Artist Award team is available to BAA winners and finalists for both social and digital marketing promotion assistance for all art related projects and accomplishments. Selected artists may also seek advice within various areas of art business, approaching a gallery and more as needed.

By participating in and submitting to the Boynes Artist Award, the artist acknowledges their unconditional acceptance of all the rules, disclaimer and privacy terms.

Privacy Terms