Artist Interviews

Interview With Photographer Stuart Rome
Life is shorter than you think. Make your time count. Be curious, sensitive and patient. Treat other artists and fellow aspirants with the respect you yourself would like; these qualities will open a life up to a multiplicity of possibilities and projects.

Interview With Photographer Richard Jackoway
My advice, which is hardly unique to me, is to get out there. It’s easy to find reasons not to shoot. Life is busy and there will be many obligations and other interests that will get in the way. But if you’re an artist, if you have been given the talent and the ability to express yourself, then take every opportunity to do just that. Don’t let 40 years slip by.

Interview With Artist Joy Kloman
My advice for creating art is to keep an open mind and take chances in your work. My recommendation for an art career is to remain steadfast.

Interview With Artist Kaz Brittenburg
Allow yourself to be open to new experiences. Stay curious, explore new mediums, and don't be afraid to ask the strange questions. These are the aspects of life that drive art.

Interview With Artist Axel Becker
Go your own way and think outside the box! Everyone should develop their own art style, utilising their own talents. Whether in painting, sculpture, installation - each artist's passion should be tangible.
Interview With Artist Arthur Petrillo
Art isn’t confined to galleries; it’s woven into everyday life. It’s in the moments we capture, the feelings we express, and the world we observe. Creativity thrives when we embrace it as a daily practice.

Interview With Artist Marjan Abedian
The best piece of advice I’ve ever received, and the advice I would give to my fellow artists, is: “Don’t wait for the perfect moment, create it.” As artists, it’s easy to fall into the trap of waiting for ideal conditions—whether it’s perfect inspiration, the right time, or the perfect resources. However, I’ve learned that creativity and growth come from taking action, even when everything isn’t ideal.

Interview With Artist Jing (Ellen) Xu
Stay rooted in the values and questions that define your practice, but remain restless enough to keep challenging your comfort zone. This is especially true in mixed media, where experimentation is key. Trust that the connections between disparate elements—materials, techniques, or even ideas—will reveal themselves through the process.

Interview With Artist Karri McPherson
Follow what fascinates you. Art is often about discovering and expressing the things that keep you wondering. Don’t get bogged down in trends or in what others expect—stay true to your vision and trust that the journey will take you where you need to go.

Interview With Artist Kselma Randvald
My advice is simple yet profound: Take risks. Art thrives on bravery, on the willingness to step beyond what is comfortable or known. Don’t fear failure; embrace it as a teacher. Enter competitions, exhibit your work, collaborate with others—put your art into the world and let it breathe. Each risk you take feeds your growth.

Interview With Artist Xinran Liu
I’ve been rejected countless times by all kinds of open calls. In the end, the reason that supported me in creating artwork was truly my passion for the art. Whatever you choose to do, you should be truthful to yourself. When you make a piece of work, it is about how honest you have been with yourself. An artist should have a sharp eye that can see the special in ordinary life.

Interview With Artist Nassim Akhlaghi Garmjani
Big goals can feel like trying to reach the top rung of a long ladder. If climbing all the way seems daunting, make the steps smaller and more accessible by reducing the distance between them. Never doubt the path you are passionate about, and keep moving forward. Small, consistent steps have always proven effective and are a sure way to reach our goals.

Interview With Artist Karla Rebolledo
Be confident with your artwork. Every piece of art is worth submitting. Have faith in each piece that you create. Prepare yourself to evolve each and every day. Never be prideful to the point where you cannot grow. Expand your knowledge and skills in different mediums and areas.

Interview With Artist Estelle Asmodelle
Paint what you love most, even if it's not painting but some other art form; express what you love the most and keep doing it until you feel everything you possibly can with it. Then start again and again, and do not stop.
Interview With Artist Leila Delfan
My advice is to never stop exploring and questioning. Art is a dynamic process, and only by being curious and creative can you push the boundaries and reach new heights in your practice.

Interview With Artist Saeideh Aghaei
My dear friends and fellow artists, I urge you to never stop creating, even in the hardest days of your life. Create, because this world is more beautiful with you and your art.

Interview With Artist Cherie Lee
To me the eggshells represent the inseparable nature of strength and weakness, a balance of positive and negative, and a celebration of the humble and unrecognized. Working on eggshells is an exercise in controlled tension, where getting to completion without cracking up is the puzzle to be solved.
Interview With Artist Eleonor Andersson
But the actual creation of art is the true reward of being an artist. The flow state is where you can let go of everything else, allowing yourself to play and experiment.

Interview With Artist Douglas Rivera
My advice would be to never stop learning, exploring and experimenting. Art is a continuous process of discovery, and the constant evolution of style and technique is what keeps creativity alive. Don't be afraid to take risks and face your fears; Often the greatest advances occur outside our comfort zone.

Interview With Artist Ratna Sari (Updated)
The beauty of the world is ever-present, to be experienced in the here and now. It is an honor to exist in this world, surrounded by the wonders of nature. As humans, we cannot overlook our profound interconnectedness with nature. To ensure a sustainable future, it is imperative that we strive to preserve our planet and its inhabitants.