Interview With Artist Axel Becker

Congratulations to Axel Becker for earning his place as a Finalist in the Boynes Artist Award 11th Edition!

Who are you?

I am a German sculptor and painter. When I was about 5 years old I started modelling plaster for my railway set. Soon I made whole landscapes, houses, people.. And I became better and better. Later my life path led me to study economics and business. That's how it is sometimes in life. But my love of art has never left me. In 2012. I started to make art again more intensively and thanks to my wife the art agent also professionally and to present it to the public. I continued to develop my style of minimalism and post-minimalism and observed how visitors reacted to my art at many international and national exhibitions.



By Axel Becker

What inspired you to utilize sculpture as a medium?

Love of nature. Nature is so imperfectly perfect. Just like us humans. I love the fine lines of a body, the smooth surface of a skin, shiny and matte textures...I can achieve this best with my hands. All my pictures are 3D pictures. Sometimes with cut as 4th dimension. With sculpture I can try almost all materials: bronze, stone, ceramic, fibreglass, carbon... When I start moulding plaster for a sculpture I already know what material it will be made of. Thanks to well-known sculptor Prof Diminic (I was his master student in 2018), my passion for sculpture became even greater.

How would you describe your work?

Simple, clear and artistically sophisticated.

I work with different materials such as carbon, fibreglass, ceramics and bronze. My personal style is minimalist, which is an effective contrast to today's information overload.

“European Birds”

Keramiplast, wood, metal

By Axel Becker

Can you discuss the inspiration and thought process behind your finalist work?

I am an admirer of Art Nouveau and Viennese art nouveau and the great master Gustav Klimt.

I wanted to create a work - homage to Gustav Klimt. Naturally in a minimalist style. My wife, who loves Kimt's works, simply said: ‘This will be a real challenge.

The sculpture shows three key works of the great master Gustav Klimt in a reduced minimalist manner - the bride and tree (back) and the kiss (front). In this way, Klimt's depiction is transferred from the dimension of the painting to the sculpture (three-dimensional). The reduced (minimalist) formal language enables a clear artistic representation that reinforces the dimension of Klimt's message. The golden tattoo on the back was deliberately chosen to present Klimt's favourite colour, gold.

I created the large sculpture (85x47x44cm) in carbon fibre. The curves of the lacquered carbon sculpture are softly and elegantly executed by a shiny surface.... just as Klimt desired women.

“Homage To Klimt”


By Axel Becker

Can you tell us about the technical steps involved in creating your award-winning work?

Unfortunately, I hardly ever take pictures, but I can explain.

I created the model for the sculpture in plaster. After the sculpture surface was super smooth, a mould was made which was later covered with carbon fibre. Thanks to Autoclave, carbon became hard, so I had my sculpture, which I then moulded. After 3 coats of clear varnish I matted it so that I could paint the tattoo with golden acrylic paint. Then the sculpture was painted twice more to immortalise the tattoo on the sculpture. Just like on the skin, in real tattoo.

And there was the sculpture Homage to Klimt

What do you hope to communicate to an audience with your work?

It is an art to reduce things

That you don't necessarily need a lot of details to create good art. It's the idea that counts.

“Homage Of Munch-Scream”

Bronze, Matt

By Axel Becker

Can you talk about your biggest learning experience during the process of creating your work?

Making a sculpture out of plaster is not that easy. Sanding, sanding, sanding...until it's perfectly smooth. I worked and sanded the sculpture on a table in the garden. Once I didn't realise that it was so windy. All the dust fell into the garden pond. You couldn't see the fish any more. Even the neighbour's cat was white

Can you discuss your biggest success since starting your artistic journey?

It's difficult to say. I consider every person who stands in front of my artwork and engages with it a success.

“Homage To Klimt”


By Axel Becker

Can you give us the best piece of advice you have ever heard/received?

Listen to your inner voice and do it. Your hands will modulate or paint what you feel.

Experiment with all materials and colours until you find yourself.

Think outside the box !

As a finalist, do you have any advice for artists who want to apply for awards, competitions, residencies, etc.?

Find your own style - others will recognise it.

“Beethoven Friez”


By Axel Becker

What projects are you working on currently? Can you discuss them?

I'm working on a new sculpture. It's supposed to be Hommage to Crocetti. My work is also in the Museo Crocetti collection in Rome. Otherwise I am preparing for the 16 exhibitions planned for next year, 2 biennials and 2 art fairs. And I can only do all this because my wife organises everything

What is your dream project or piece that you hope to accomplish?

I would like to exhibit an installation with many bird sculptures in a museum. My vision is for the viewer to stroll through a sea of sculptures, each showing blue birds on yellow wood in a minimalist form, giving us viewers a glimpse into the origins of nature. As in the wild, a flock of birds also has a greater impact, showing us what we have in common, overcoming boundaries and teaching us to appreciate and protect the world more. The message should be minimalistically focussed through the sculptural representation.

“Homage To Klimt-Adele”

Acrylic, Keramiplast, Tin, Canvas

By Axel Becker

Lastly, I like to ask everyone what advice they would give to their fellow artists, what is your advice?

Go your own way and think outside the box! Everyone should develop their own art style, utilising their own talents. Whether in painting, sculpture, installation - each artist's passion should be tangible.

To view more of Axel Becker





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