Interview With Artist Joy Kloman
Congratulations to Joy Kloman for earning her place as a Finalist in the Boynes Artist Award 11th Edition!
Who are you?
I am a painter and printmaker. I earned my MFA from University of Florida and BFA from Kansas City Art Institute. When I was first studying art, I had a drawing instructor, Sue Buck, who inspired me to become an art teacher and professional artist. She was passionate about creating art and educating students. She remains to be my most influential professor, because of her enthusiasm for art and ability to communicate it well. I later became a tenured associate professor at the University of Mississippi.
“Beautiful Uncut Hair of Graves”
Oil on Canvas
By Joy Kloman
What inspired you to utilize painting as a medium?
When I was an undergraduate student at Kansas City Art Institute, I was a printmaking major. I still enjoy all aspects of printmaking, from the process to the element of surprise when the final print is pulled. However, I decided I wanted to pursue a practice that was more accessible for me. I chose painting because I can employ a similar variety of artistic techniques without a press. From the underpainting, sketching, and layering, to the final product with juxtaposing veils of thin paint and impasto brushstrokes, I relish the problem-solving involved in creating a work of art through paint.
“Bridal Party”
Oil on Canvas
By Joy Kloman
How would you describe your work?
My current series is figurative, inspired by black and white vintage photographs. I have used color and fluorescent underpainting to create tension between past and present. The figures are intertwined with foliage and hidden behind patterns of antique wallpaper, suggesting that we are voyeurs looking back on what is bound to be repeated.
“Bicycle Under Gingkos”
Woodcut Print on Paper
By Joy Kloman
Can you discuss the inspiration and thought process behind your finalist work?
The image was inspired by an old photograph of siblings standing behind a new bicycle. The bicycle is a rite of passage—the journey from childhood to adulthood.
My latest painting, “Mended Memory” has the addition of gold leaf. I was thinking of ways we repeat patterns throughout history and how we mend broken systems. The Japanese art of kintsugi comes to mind, as it uses gold to repair and accept flaws, and considers the beauty in imperfections. This technique is typically used to restore delicate ceramics, but has also become a metaphor for human fragility, expressing compassion, healing, self-acceptance, and renewal.
“Mended Memory”
Oil+Gold Leaf on Canvas
By Joy Kloman
Can you walk us through the technical steps of creating your finalist work?
I began this work by layering stencils in various green acrylics and spray paint to create a patina. Then, I added acrylic fluorescent paint. Next, I sketched out the figures and bicycle in oil paint. I continued to layer the background with thin and thick brushstrokes of oil paint to create foliage. Working back and forth between figures and background, to create figure-ground interaction, I spent two months painting this 102 x 153 cm work. The next step, and most difficult part, mentally, was the necessary addition of patterns over the figures. Lastly, the gold leaf was added.
“Mended Memory (In Process)”
Oil+Gold Leaf on Canvas
By Joy Kloman
What do you hope to communicate to an audience with your work?
By creating any work of art, one hopes to find a connection with others, something in the composition, image, or handling of the medium that resonates and speaks to the soul.
“Family Portrait”
Oil on Canvas
By Joy Kloman
Can you talk about your biggest learning experience during the process of creating your work?
Creating this series has taught me to take bigger risks in my practice. After spending two months on a painting, obscuring the image takes tremendous courage. By risking the loss of months of physical work, I was able to move forwards conceptually.
Oil on Canvas
By Joy Kloman
Can you discuss your biggest success since starting your artistic journey?
In my career, I have earned many accolades, but the biggest success is that I am still creating art professionally. To continue to create art as a career requires a great deal of perseverance and tenacity. I am proud that I have followed my vision and continue to make art.
“Girl by the Barn”
Oil on Canvas
By Joy Kloman
Can you give us the best piece of advice you have ever heard/received?
When painting, pay attention to edges, creating “air” in the art.
Acrylic on Metallic Gold Canvas
By Joy Kloman
As a finalist, do you have any advice for artists who want to apply for awards, competitions, residencies, etc.?
I would recommend applying to as many awards, competitions and residencies as possible. These will help build a résumé, each experience creating a springboard for the next. Residencies are a great way to network with others in the field and broaden horizons, presenting new ideas.
“Tandem in Green”
Woodcut Print on Paper
By Joy Kloman
What projects are you working on currently? Can you discuss them?
My latest painting is 102 x 153 cm. I am interested in expanding the picture plane. I will be painting smaller tondos to become part of the composition, which will be placed around the larger rectangular canvas.
What is your dream project or piece that you hope to accomplish?
Lately, I have been fascinated with creating a more synaesthetic experience through art. I am interested in including textures, scents, sounds, and flavors alongside my two-dimensional paintings and prints.
“What is the Grass?”
Acrylic on Metallic Pearl Canvas
By Joy Kloman