Artist Paco Martin
We would like to congratulate Paco Martin who has earned a place as a Finalist in the 4th Edition!
I´m Paco Martín. I was born in Madrid, Spain. I'm a professional color pencil artist.
“Gumballs” (Winning work)
By Paco Martin
Colored pencils and graphite on paper
What inspired you into drawing?
I have had a lifelong passion for drawing and painting. I have been using coloured pencils since I was a child, I have always liked painting. I have been using pencils since I was 10 years old. My first drawings at that age were with graphite, coloured pencils, and pen, I liked drawing animals so much. I spent long hours drawing and painting for myself, my school friends and each painting was a new adventure for me.
“Mandarins and Paper”
By Paco Martin
Colored pencils and graphite on paper
Can you explain why you choose drawing as a medium for your work and voice as opposed to others?
I chose drawing with color pencils because of the precision I can achieve with them, I was feeling very comfy with them, more than other techniques I tried. When I started to achieve the realism that I wanted, I felt really happy because I knew that I can go as further as I wanted in realistic drawings with pencils. That´s my style and what I want to do.
This is the technique that introduced me to the painting world, and which allows me to communicate the strongest emotions. I think it turns into a direct language of the artist. My meticulous work is based on careful observation of the world around us and experimentation with shapes, volumes, and textures, as well as a thorough study of the composition. Color pencils allowed me to recreate the harmonious beauty of small objects of everyday life, which I proclaim to be an art form.
By Paco Martin
Colored pencils and graphite on paper
Have you experimented with other mediums?
Yes, I tried oils and most pastels; I was painting with pastels for 20 years and I really liked it but I love coloured pencils.
What drew you to realism and still life work?
When I was painting with pastels I used to paint classical still lifes and reproductions of famous classical and contemporary realistic painters, that allowed me to learn a lot and I was really thrilled about realism and still life.
“Sweet Temptation”
By Paco Martin
Colored pencils and graphite on paper
Can you walk us through the physical creation/technique of "Gumballs"?
I came across the reference photo, by Sally Robertson, in a Colored Pencil Magazine contest, and I was wowed from the start. I needed to paint it in a large size for a contest in Madrid and it took me a month to complete the work, it was a challenge. I enjoyed every moment because I love colors, reflections, and textures. In addition, this work reminded me of my childhood, when I spent hours playing with my brother and my friends with these machines.
“Gumballs” (In progress - Step 1)
By Paco Martin
Colored pencils and graphite on paper
What projects are you working on currently? Can you discuss them?
Right now, I´m working on some new projects. I wanted to draw skin for years and I took a good reference photo of my hand, I’m working on it. On the other hand, I´m working on small subjects for future workshops and also something about pink flowers.
“Gumballs” (In progress- Step 4)
By Paco Martin
Colored pencils and graphite on paper
Lastly, I would like to ask what advice you would give to your fellow artists/photographers?
The best advice I can give them, talking about drawing is to be constant, never give up, and try to challenge yourself with each new Project. That’s working for me.
To view more of Paco Martin’s work