Artist Han Shuai

Congratulations to Han Shuai for earning his place a Winner in the Boynes Monthly Art Award [April Edition]!

Who are you?

I am a professional painting artist. I graduated from the Department of Art of East China Normal University in 1993. After graduation, I was busy with my life, working as a graphic designer and brand planner. In order to survive, I gave up the pursuit of art.

“A Sunny Day”

Acrylic Paint

By Han Shuai

What inspired you to utilize painting as a medium?

In 2010, in order to follow the desire of my heart and the call of my artistic soul, I picked up the brush again and began to create art.

“All The Flowers Bloom For You”

Acrylic Paint

By Han Shuai

How would you describe your work?

My works focus on describing inner feelings, thoughts and feelings, and attitudes towards life. The works look at the essence through the surface, express deep thoughts and philosophy, and do not stay at the level of technique.

“Daughter’s Heart”

Acrylic Paint

By Han Shuai

Can you discuss the inspiration and thought process behind your winning work?

This award-winning work "Made in China" was created in 2010, when the "Made in China" boom, especially to see the shopping malls full of smart dolls, which are sold around the world as a symbol of products...

I think this is a work describing a turning time, and I can feel the atmosphere of that time.

“Made in China”

Acrylic Paint

By Han Shuai

Can you walk us through the technical steps of creating “Made in China”?

I paint with acrylic. Since it is a work of the era, I think black and white painting has the monochrome nostalgia of the era..The background of the work uses a spray pen, and the ground is paved with some texture, so that there is a contrast between rigid and soft. The doll is the focus of depicting the object, and the fluff is depicted in layers, which can not be careless at all, and has been adjusted to a satisfactory effect. Acrylic is better at drawing fluff.

“Fatherly Love”

Acrylic Paint

By Han Shuai

What do you hope to communicate to an audience with your work?

I hope the audience can get a pleasant feeling when they appreciate my works. I always strive to create beautiful and inspiring works to lead the audience to beauty, love and hope, which is my purpose of creation.

“Girl in the Wind”

Acrylic Paint

By Han Shuai

Can you talk about your biggest learning experience during the process of creating your work?

In my opinion, for a good piece of work, don't pay too much attention to skills, don't care too much about other people's ridicule, follow their own heart, follow their own feelings, heart and piety to do the best, every time a little better than their own progress, do their own satisfaction.

“I Can’t See Your Face Clearly”

Acrylic Paint

By Han Shuai

Can you discuss your biggest success since starting your artistic journey?

From 2010 to 2017, I created a lot of work. I have selected two of the most satisfactory works to participate in the domestic exhibition, but failed to enter the primary. At that time, I felt that my efforts and beliefs were worthless. I was desperate and planned to give up my creation.

Later, I met a friend who suggested that I take part in an international competition. As a result, both of my works won the first prize in the American International Competition. It turned out that I belonged to the whole world, so I was full of confidence, and then continued to win various international awards.

I consider it the greatest success of my artistic career that my work has been recognized by authoritative institutions around the world.

“I Heard My Voice In The Distance”

Acrylic Paint

By Han Shuai

Can you give us a piece of advice you wish you had known at the start of your career?

Not everyone is cut out to be an artist. It depends on talent and ability. And prepare for a life of poverty. If you decide to go down this path, you must maintain a good attitude and belief.

“I seem To Know You”

Acrylic Paint

By Han Shuai

What projects are you working on currently?

I have been painting my friends around me, especially my family, they are the people and things I know the most.

What is your dream project or piece you hope to accomplish?

Until now, I have no big goals. I hope to create without external influences, follow my heart and follow my feelings.

As a finalist, do you have any advice for artists who want to submit to awards, competitions, residencies, etc.?

I'm a little surprised to win here this time, because I signed up for the 8th Boynes Competition for Emerging Artists, but I didn't make the cut. But if you persevere, good work will always bear fruit. If there were more awards lists, more people would sign up.

“I Think I Can Fly II”

Acrylic Paint

By Han Shuai

Lastly, I like to ask everyone what advice they would give to their fellow artists, what is your advice?

I advise other artists, if you are having fun and enjoying the process, then please keep painting happily, if you are having a bad time because of painting, you are miserable all day, then change your career.

To view more of Han Shuai



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