Photographer Stacy Honda
Congratulations to Stacy Honda who placed as a finalist in our 5th Edition!
Who are you?
I was born in Seattle, WA and grew up in a neighbouring town. I’ve always loved art, and in my family, everyone has their creative outlets. Over the years I dabbled in drawing, painting, acting, dance, and photography. I also spent many years in front of the camera working as a model. I had a growing interest in photography and began taking classes at a local photography school. I was very drawn to portraiture and began with it as my focus. It wasn’t until discovering the possibilities of Photoshop, that I fell in love with it as an art form.
“Fire and Ice” [Winning work]
By Stacy Honda
Digital Photography
Can you discuss the inspiration and thought process behind your winning work "Fire and Ice"?
This image was inspired by the struggle between the heart and mind. It began with a burning feeling of wanting to follow my heart, and at the same time feeling stuck with a head full of doubts. For me, it is about trying to break free of inhibitions.
By Stacy Honda
Digital Photography
What drew you to explore portraiture in your work?
I primarily use self-portraiture. One reason being a matter of convenience. I am available and I am willing to hold poses and fling my hair for as long as needed. Also my images usually come from a place of personal exploration. It is a way to process emotions, past experiences and desires, so it makes sense to me right now to use myself as the subject. Though I would like to experiment more with using non-human subjects.
“The Wind At Your Back”
By Stacy Honda
Digital Photography
Your work is quite surreal and fantastical, can you discuss your draw to this style?
As a child, I spent a lot of time outside playing make-believe, or in my room writing, drawing and playing more make-believe. I think fantasy was an escape from boredom that stuck with me. The movies, shows and books I enjoy the most take you into another world, or bring a twist of reality to ours. I love different kinds of photography, but to be able to create something from my imagination is what really excites me. I find that going beyond the boundaries of reality is what best allows me to translate feelings and concepts into a visual story.
By Stacy Honda
Digital Photography
What do you hope to communicate with your work?
I hope that people can see a part of themselves and have some kind of connection. I hope to stir some kind of emotion that makes people look within themselves.
By Stacy Honda
Digital Photography
Do you have a particular piece that you view as your most accomplished? Why?
The Messenger has probably had the most attention and it was the first image that I had in a gallery show. I had just finished it and I had just learned about juried shows. I was scrolling through submissions and came across one for “The Crow Show.” I submitted since it sounded like an obvious perfect fit. I was accepted to the show, won a best in show award, and it was used for the press for the show. It was very exciting, especially since it was my first submission. Since then it has won a first place award in computer arts at a local art show, and recently won best of show at a gallery photography show.
“Ready To Fly”
By Stacy Honda
Digital Photography
Can you discuss why you choose photography as a medium for your work and voice as opposed to others?
Photography has been a part of my entire life. I have been a model since I was a teen and my dad was a photographer. Not professionally, but if you were around him you would expect at least a few photos to be taken, maybe even from the hip. He left behind an entire room full of boxes that were full of envelopes that were full of photographs. I’m thankful to be able to look back at these memories of him and of my childhood. I’m not quite the shutterbug that he was, but I think it’s such a beautiful way to stop time and hold on to pieces of life that can go by so quickly. In the last few years, photography has become a way for me not only to record memories but to take what is inside of me and put it out.
By Stacy Honda
Digital Photography
Have you experimented with other mediums? If so, which ones and how?
I have experimented with drawing and painting over the years. I enjoy painting and would like to become more proficient. I took my first class in acrylics at a local art school right before the world shut down two years ago, and I hope to be able to go back soon. My style is somewhat painterly, so I think it could be a good fit for me someday.
By Stacy Honda
Digital Photography
Can you talk about your biggest learning experience during the process of creating your works?
I’m not sure if it’s the biggest one, but the most recent learning experience just happened. I was working on a piece that I wanted to submit to a show. I knew it was not quite right, but I kept trying to force it because I liked the overall look and I was trying to meet a deadline. I had liked how the test shot turned out, so I was trying to use that instead of reshooting. The problem was, the lighting in the photos weren’t matching up well enough. I showed it to someone who called out the problem. So the lesson was to listen to the little voice telling me when something is not working, and if I’m not sure then not to be afraid to ask for another set of eyes.
By Stacy Honda
Digital Photography
Can you discuss your biggest success since starting your artistic journey?
I am still pretty new to putting my work out into the world. When I started creating in this way, I shared photos with strangers on Flickr, but my family and friends did not know about it. I was very shy and private about it, and I just thought people would think it was weird. I feel like my biggest success was just being able to share my work and learning that there were some people out there who liked it and connected with it.
“The Messenger”
By Stacy Honda
Digital Photography
What projects are you working on currently? Can you discuss them?
I think some of my images might make good book covers or album covers, so I am prepping images and trying to build a library to submit to some boutique stock agencies. My most recent image that might fit in that category is one that is about time slipping away.
By Stacy Honda
Digital Photography
Lastly, I like to ask everyone what advice they would give to their fellow artists/photographers, what is your advice?
Keep following your curiosity. If you feel compelled to try something new or learn something new then do it. You never know where it may lead you.
To view more of Stacy Honda’s work