Artist Interviews

Artist Susan Verekar
After starting a family, I was ready to get back into something but I wasn't sure what. I started painting as a way to clear my head and fell in love with colour and the raw expression of putting something down on canvas.

Artist Taiwo Isimi
I find drawing as the most effective way to communicate what I see and feel – for me, it feels like the best way to capture the most difficult or extreme content. At the same time, it seems to be the most accessible form of art for many people.

Artist Susan Paterson
When I’m painting, I love getting lost in the details and the challenge of creating an illusion that explains how I feel about what I see. I’m fascinated by light and how it describes form, changes colours, is reflected back, and disappears into the dark depths of a background.

Photographer Helena Palazzi
When I began taking pictures, digital technology was still many years away. I had to truly learn, not only, how the camera worked but also darkroom techniques and printing. I immediately loved the whole process; f stop, depth of field, ISO, film developing, printing, choice of photo paper, etc, and how all those elements together could and would completely change the mood in an image.

Artist Gustavo Ramos
I am a 27-year-old Brazilian-born artist who paints portraits that tell psychological narratives unique to our time. My paintings are influenced by my non-verbal struggles as an immigrant, which pushed me to make careful observations of people’s bodily expressions while trying to understand them.

Artist Ranjit Sagoo
Having established my medical career, I saw an opportunity to rebuild my connection with art with purpose. Over the last 2 years, I have been defining my style and understanding myself as an artist.

Photographer Jakub Pasierkiewicz
Only during my studies, I discovered the phenomenon of a darkroom, which gave me an incomparable and direct exploration of the medium of photography. With one’s own eyes we can then observe a single image appearance, which we are a creator of – a person who decides about a final form of the produced picture.

Artist Grace Doyle
Growing up, I loved to record the world around me and express my feelings. Not once did my parents question my interest in art or indicate that it was not a viable career to pursue. I was lucky in that respect and forever grateful for their unwavering support.

Artist Ira Upin
As I got older I became more skilled, with an increasing desire to make stuff. This trait was obviously innate in my DNA. I instinctively enjoyed creating things, inventing, building, drawing, whatever – I liked to make things, it didn’t matter what.

Artist Daniela Vignoli
I love the language of the smile and I can communicate with it anywhere. I worked for almost 20 years as a casting producer where people and their diversity were my work material. Searching, looking, interpreting, stripping them is my talent. I'm a curious person, I like to move between ambiguous environments and people and dive into worlds different from mine. I'm always moving, mostly towards my inner self. The quest for self-knowledge is my biggest job in the last 50 years.

Artist Anne-Marie Zanetti
I am probably what you would describe as obsessively committed to, and passionate about my art; painting for me is an incredibly peaceful and meditative way to spend my time. I really enjoy challenging myself in all areas of my work to gain better skills and appreciation. My hope is always to create paintings that captures the wonder and fascination I experience throughout the world.

Artist Amnon David Ar
4th Edition 3rd Place Winner Amnon David Ar interviews with Boynes Emerging Artist Award Founder Chantal Boynes.

Artist Kuruma Reid
4th Edition 2nd Place Winner Kuruma Reid interviews with Boynes Emerging Artist Award Founder Chantal Boynes.
Photographer Younes Mohammad
4th Edition 1st Place Winner Younes Mohammad interviews with Founder Chantal Boynes on his work, journey and more.

Artist Phillip Gagnon
I’ve always drawn. Since a child in Grande Anse, New Brunswick I’ve had a pencil in hand. When I moved to British Columbia at 7 years my teacher sent with me a box of paper, crayons, pencils and watercolours telling my grandparents to encourage me to keep drawing

Artist Erik Nieminen
There’s no specific thing that inspires me to create artworks – it’s mostly borne of a desire to deal with the flux and chaos of the world we inhabit; to find a quiet resolution to all that. It’s not necessary that this becomes a reflection of society, as we are sometimes apt to believe is the function of art.

Kriss Munsya
My first camera was my father’s. He gave it to me as a teenager. It wasn’t until later in life that I appreciated this gift for what it was: a way to make sense of my surroundings. Photography makes the existence of what’s represented in the images undeniable.

Artist Samuel Wilson
“Let your creative drive move you forward. If you aren't excited about what you're working on there is no point in doing it. That's why we are artists, to create things that inspire us. Also decide what you want from your art.”

Artist Barbara Hack
“Perfection does not exist… only progress. Nothing perfect will ever come about. When painting, I strive to complete my best work that I can at that moment in time; all the same, I have to know and remember that my options do not include perfection. “

Artist Nikita Budkov
Nikita Budkov is a Russian born figurative painter who studied at the Los Angeles Academy of Figurative Art. Budkov earned a place as a Finalist in the 3rd Edition of the Boynes Emerging Artist Award.