Artist Jose Michelsen
Jose Michelson is a Colombian born painter, currently practicing in Bogotá, Colombia. Michelson holds, not only an architecture degree, but was also able to study under the incredible artist, Master Alfredo Araujo Santoyo. Michelson sees himself as part of a new generation of neo-realist figurative artists who continue the long tradition of the nude painting that has played an intrinsic part in western art since the Renaissance. However, he is also influenced by contemporary challenges, cultural perspectives, and a fast-paced evolving of the multimedia environment.
“Untitled No. 7”//Oil on Canvas
Michelson was always moved to create art utilising the human body. At the beginning it was a need to represent and copy what he saw on a piece of paper. But then he learned how to involve his emotions through his visual work and wonderful things started to happen; his work began to express its’ own emotions. For Michelson, the naked body has always been very important but also banned from a social, familial and education point of view and he became very frustrated because of this. Painting and drawing became a way for him to express and own the bodies that he was so interested in.
“Untitled No. 19”//Oil on Canvas
The human body has increasingly gained importance in Michelson’s life and continuously inspires his work today. Michelson describes learning to listen more and more to his emotions and focus graphically on them. Michelson interprets the body, digests it and evolves within the process of his painting.
“Untitled No. 4”//Oil on Canvas
Michelson’s practice centers mainly around painting and drawing, which are mediums he describes as being just “endless”. He has, however, been recently expanding into the realm of sculpture, admitting that he enjoys the sense of touch and third dimension. He also aims to use it as a means to improve his 2D practice.
To explore more of Jose Michelson’s work: