Artist Interviews

Photographer Rashod Taylor
Growing up, my parents would take photos for all our events, birthdays, vacations, and family gatherings with this little 35mm Vivitar PS:35 point and shoot. I remember that little camera till this day. Those memories have stuck with me and really sparked my interest in photography.
Photographer Younes Mohammad
4th Edition 1st Place Winner Younes Mohammad interviews with Founder Chantal Boynes on his work, journey and more.

Kriss Munsya
My first camera was my father’s. He gave it to me as a teenager. It wasn’t until later in life that I appreciated this gift for what it was: a way to make sense of my surroundings. Photography makes the existence of what’s represented in the images undeniable.

Photographer Keith Wilson
“I think I am driven, maybe, more than inspired. By the tightening of the world around the very people who labor to keep it alive. Directly: I am interested in anti-racist, anti-imperialist work, and I'm interested in finding wonder, still.” - Keith Wilson

Photographer Samantha Schwann
“My work is inspired by the need to protect our oceans, as it contributes so significantly to our food, fresh oxygen, water, and global economy. Scientists urge for 30% of our oceans be protected by 2030 in order to absorb the demands of current global population, yet less than 6% is currently preserved. I hope to bring the topic of ocean conservation to an expanded audience” - Samantha Schwann

Photographer Kathy Servian
“I’ve found that in every creative pursuit be it fashion, writing, photography, or art of any kind it's essential to trust yourself and make work that comes naturally to you. It’s easy to get caught up in the ‘noise’ around creativity particularly now with social media.” - Kathy Servian

Artist Ryan Jae
“Nothing is more important to me than conveying the hopes, dreams, and struggles of those who the fine art world is not built for. I use my camera to document everything in my environment as it happens, with particular interest in the dark beauty of everyday life.” - Ryan Jae

Artist Maureen Denny
“Currently I am inspired to grow and learn and make mistakes. And then find a way to use what I learn to make my art more impactful. The deeper I get into this journey the further I want to take it. As an introvert I am starting to find my voice through my art.” - Maureen Denny

Artist 江峰 Jiang Feng
To me, the thing that really differentiates people and artists is their thinking. Hence, reading is a must for me because it helps me to reflect and replenish my interiority. In addition, discussing and reasoning with wise and trustworthy friends is always inspiring and rewarding after some reading and reflecting.” - Jiang Feng

Juror - Rachael Lynn Reynolds
“I'd be happy to be involved in anything that helps artists become noticed or establish their careers. Emerging artists are some of the creators with the most fresh ideas and the most ambition. It is fun to see their spark and passion shine through in their work. The Boynes Emerging Artist Award is an excellent way to allow emerging artists to gain a platform. I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to be a small part of it.” - Rachael Lynn Reynolds

Artist Jessie McCall
“I was a late bloomer. Late to learn how to swim and still a bit of a dunce when it comes to charging through waves and staying afloat. That’s why I love this work. It challenges me and it challenges my subjects and the result is always worth it. This artwork is multifaceted - it salutes the feminine, it honors our landscapes and it inspires a childlike wonder.” - Jessie McCall

Artist Louis-Florent Dyèvre

Artists Lucas Damiani and Sara Coelho Galán
Reciclario is a project and series of portraits which originates from our regular rounds of dumpster diving -the practice of salvaging and reutilizing waste as an alternative to the consumption circuits of capitalism-, together with the conception of ordinary and day-to-day life as a space for creativity.